After quite a long time of not having a consolidated space for everything that I do, it's about time I make a website for myself. My name is Damien Mojzak, I'm an independent game developer specializing in Game Design, Programming, UI/UX, and a recent graduate of the Independent Video Game Design program at Dawson College in Montreal. Over the last 15 years, I’ve built up a diverse background:

Web Technologies
PC Hardware and Repair
Technical Support
Quality Assurance
Database Administration
Data Analysis
Content Creation
Game Development
I’m the developer, QA and tech support, so now I can do what I need to do to get the job done. This website, Pylon Playground is my attempt to live a creative life, having fun making and playing games, constantly learning and growing. It’s finally time to go after my dreams and stop following others living theirs!
Damien Mojzak
Pylon Playground